How to connect Hyper V Server – From Hyper V Manager to Remote Desktop Connection Manager

From Host To Guest With Remote Desktop Connection Manager you can use it to link servers, and for easy transfer of files / data You need in your Virtual Machine


  1. A Working and Configured Server in Hyper V.
  2. Remote Desktop Connection Manager Application (RDCM)

“With RDCM i use it in order to have a bigger display, move files from host to guest machine.”


You can download Remote Connection Manager at

“Note: If you haven’t create a virtual machine please check out ”

Step by Step:

1. Have your Hyper V machine at the start. Open your Hyper V manager: go to action panel on the right and click ‘Start Service’.

2.  After a few moment you can see your Virtual Machines in the main panel of your Hyper V manager. Right click your Virtual Machine ‘Start’ and ‘Connect’.

3. Next you just need your  Virtual Machine IP address in order to link with your Host machine.

“Note that your Virtual Machine has the same Default gateway and sub net mask with you host machine.


4. Open RDCM (Remote Desktop Connection Manager), create a new group in your left panel of RDCM, the right click your newly created group then ‘Add server’.

“creating group you can manage and connect to each server”

5.  After clicking ‘Add Server’, ‘Add server Screen’ will appear. Here in the ‘Server Setting’ tab in the ‘server name’ text field type in your guest ip address (Ip address in your Virtual Machine). Then type in any ‘Display Name’  you desire.

Click on the ‘Logon Credentials’, untick ‘Inherit from parent’. Then Type in your virtual Machine ‘User Name and ‘Password’. (if you wish to change the ‘Screen size’ please go to ‘Remote Desktop Settings’ and untick ‘Inherit from Parent’and select ‘Same as Client area’)

6. Then Click Add

7. Double Click on your Newly Created Server on RDCM Screen or Double Click.

Now You Can Easily ‘Copy and Paste’ file from your Host to Guest Machine.